How to Create One-of-a-Kind Content That Truly Stands Out

How to Create One-of-a-Kind Content That Truly Stands Out

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Solid content, properly packaged and promoted in an innovative manner, is all that is required to create an Oscar-winning content marketing strategy.

When it comes to creating standout content, many marketers get stuck in a rut. Either they believe that a viral piece of content is merely a stroke of luck and cannot be created on purpose. Or they believe that great runaway content is a basic mathematical formula to which they must adhere – simply follow the steps, and voila!

Both are correct. However, neither is entirely correct.

The full story is more complex. And, believe it or not, it necessitates a return to basics. Here are the key elements to consider in order to make your content stand out.

Why is uniqueness absolutely non-negotiable?

How does having one-of-a-kind content help you flourish in today’s digital era?

The goal of any marketing, particularly content marketing, is to set you apart from your competitors. From one social media site to another, there’s a ton of noise on digital platforms. Plus, there’s so much going on in the world right now. The best (and probably only) way to turn heads and get noticed is to create content that has never been done before.

And, to turn heads, you must first walk past your readers. You must be found on search engines.

There is evidence that Google optimizes content based on three key factors: relevance, quality, and uniqueness. Yes, search engines care about how unique your content is, and they will rank you accordingly.

Ways to make your content stand out

content stand out

Gather ideas from anywhere and everywhere

It’s time to break out the whiteboard and colorful markers because it is time to brainstorm ideas. Brainstorming does not entail sitting alone in a dark room. Their surroundings inspire the best marketers and writers. Some of the best ideas will strike you when you least expect them.

However, new ideas can only come to you if you are open to them. Brainstorming works best when your mind is subconsciously thinking about generating ideas all of the time. So, change your perspective to see the world through the lens of your profession. A seemingly insignificant event can inspire a brilliant piece of content. Keep a written or electronic journal of any thoughts that come to you throughout the day. Even if you do not know what the idea implies when you first write it down, it has the potential to blossom into something amazing later on.

Keep an open mind

If an idea for a blog post doesn’t come together right away, don’t dismiss it. Examine some of the other ideas you’ve jotted down and see if you can combine them to form a complete article. Some of your best ideas will almost certainly necessitate a little extra effort to turn into a good post.

Take a stand

Some of the most interesting and frequently visited blog posts challenge conventional wisdom or oppose popular opinion. Try writing from a perspective that differs from everyone else’s, and you’ll stand out from the crowd.

Solve problems

Solve problems

Focusing on solving your readers’ problems is one of the best ways to create unique content. If they are having difficulty with a problem, they are unaware of a suitable solution, or they would not have the problem in the first place. If you can provide that solution, you will be the first, and they will remember you.


If you have been blogging for a while, you’ve probably got a few older posts that could be expanded on. Go through your archives regularly, looking for posts that could serve as the foundation for new and distinct ideas or for those that lend themselves to being updated. You may have previously written a post that covered a broad topic. See if you can narrow your focus to one specific aspect of the article to generate new ideas.

Take stunning photographs that will enthrall your audience

Every photo you upload must have a catchy title (think angles, concepts, perspectives, situations, colors, sets, lights, focus, etc.). If it does, you can be assured your post will be shared and you will be widely followed.

Make the most of your expertise and network

You are an authority in your field. Why not share your expertise with prospective customers who may be hungry for it? Why not use your connections to provide your users with useful content?

The concept is straightforward: As a framework for content promotion, leverage your expertise and network.

Make certain that your content is trendy


Are you sharing content that has already been done? Then content promotion will be ineffective.

You must make certain that your content is unique, trendy, and edgy.

How can you take advantage of trending topics:

Here’s an example with Dalgona coffee, we used BuzzSumo to search “Dalgona coffee” which led us to some of the most shared content. BuzzSumo provided ten free results (seeing the rest is a paid service). I discovered that 40 percent of the search results were recipes. It was quick and easy to conclude that great Dalgona coffee recipes (text, pictures, and videos) could work extremely well for this search term.


You can use the same formula to learn what is trending in your niche and then get creative to develop a solid story angle before creating the content.

Lists, tips, guides, how-to’s, trending topics, insider news, and headlines that rock and shock are the most effective types of content. You, on the other hand, are the ultimate judge of what works best in your niche.

Remember to keep the intended audience in mind

Anyone who publishes video or written content must keep a specific audience in mind. Consider the nature of the audience before even setting up the enterprise. A target audience can be broad or narrow, and specific.

Defining who the content needs to reach makes it possible for the creator to personalize the posts to get to those people. Forums and discussion boards where members of the intended target audience engage and share their ideas can inspire. A forum’s needs and opinions can ignite a great idea.

Investigate the competition further

Investigate the competition

Several factors are considered before dismissing an idea, including whether the topic has already been covered in other posts and articles. Observe the date the post or article was published online. If it’s a few years old, the writer may be able to provide an updated perspective.

Check the content’s quality objectively. A writer may believe that there is a chance of producing a better piece that will outrank the current one. Check the format in which the content has been presented.

Choose relevant keywords

Eighty-one percent of online shoppers research before purchasing a product. As a result, the importance of keywords in developing traffic-generating content cannot be overstated.

Original content may yield SEO (search engine optimization) benefits. SEO is critical for searches for writing-related content. Content that does not stand out will not compete with the likes of WikiHow, Wikipedia, Microsoft, and HowStuffWorks. Because of their enormous influence, these are the types of pages that choke the competition.

Always strive to write catchy headlines


A good headline piques the reader’s interest and entices them to read on. Consider the following Copyblogger statistics:

  • About eighty percent of people will read your headlines. However, only 20 percent of those people will read the full text of your content.
  • As a result, the headline is just as important as the blog post or article itself.

Make your content useful

What was your most recent blog post? Did it advise readers on how to apply the lessons right away?

The best content shows the user how to apply the information. It does not degrade users by telling them what to do but rather respects them and assures them that they understand how to use the content. When writing your blog post, give users advice on how to use what you’re offering them. Often, simply writing well about a topic will generate some ideas for readers.

What motivates people to read nonfiction? To improve one’s knowledge and skills. Assist your readers in doing the same.

Acquire the ability to provide answers

provide answers

What is a search engine’s ultimate goal? Most people would agree that “to deliver sets of answers” is correct. Google excels at this. When you enter a search term into Google, you will be presented with links, images, and videos.

When people use a search engine, they are looking for an answer, and it is the search engine’s responsibility to provide that answer.

When people read a blog post, watch a video, or look at an infographic, they want an answer to acquire knowledge. Another thing to keep in mind is that people don’t just want answers. They require immediate responses. So make your content easy to scan so that people can quickly pick out the meaty, important bits.

Read any nonfiction book or article’s title and subtitle. Finally, it leaves the reader with a question or a pique of curiosity. It is then the author’s responsibility to provide answers and supporting information.

Engage with your audience on a personal level

Consumers today, particularly millennials, want brands that engage with and pertain to them on a personal level. Nowadays, content marketing is a two-way street. Brands can now communicate directly with their audiences in real-time via social media for no other reason than to unwind.

According to a Hootsuite survey, 59 percent of Americans who have social media accounts believe that communicating with businesses via social media makes it easier to resolve issues and questions answered.

Introducing a humanized component to the brand’s table should be one of the key elements of any content strategy. Besides responding to issues promptly, writing personalized responses is an unusual way to demonstrate to the world that there are actual people behind your operation. Furthermore, it provides more opportunities to expose your brand’s authentic identity and highlight the values you stand for.

Maintain accuracy in your reporting and information sourcing


Consider this scenario: you publish an article for your company’s blog, huge numbers of people read it, but some of what you wrote is proven to be incorrect. Can you imagine the harm this could do to your company and reputation? Remember that your blog is a representation of your business. If there are any problems with the blog, it will affect how people perceive your product.

It is critical that any statistic you present be verifiable. Many blog posts will include a direct link to the statistic and its source.

Accuracy fosters reader trust. Remember James Frey, the best-selling author of A Million Little Pieces? He was forced to appear on Oprah Winfrey’s show and confess that the book was filled with lies. He’s written a few books since then, but he’ll be remembered as the man who made up his memoir rather than the author of his other published works. It has harmed his career indefinitely.

If you’ve seen the brilliant movie Shattered Glass or preceded Stephen Glass’s fall from grace, you know how damaging inaccuracy can be to your career.

Here are some pointers to consider if you’re concerned about accuracy:

  • Think about who you’re linking to. Are they a reliable and credible source? Linking to other high-quality websites will increase your readers’ trust.
  • Linking to additional content can only help. The more you can substantiate and back up what you write about, the more credible your content will become.
  • Assist search engines in their efforts. Linking to other sources and content will help search engines determine what your content is about and how it should be classified.

Maintain the originality

Among the most significant things any writer should know is to use as many original words as possible. It is not original to reword someone else’s work. It’s not a bad thing to be inspired by someone else. The difference is that you allow the work to inspire you to write better. Plagiarism accusations can have serious consequences. It’s impossible to remove such accusations once they’ve been made in the comments or review section.

Writing is not a one-time event. Most writers require several drafts before they reach the final product. The majority of word choices and ideas are revised at least once. It is not a good idea to rush something out and publish it right away.

Proofreading and editing


When a written piece is finished, it must be edited. This is a procedure that every content writer should follow. There are many apps and programs available online that can be used to edit writing. Hemingway and Grammarly are two examples. The tools check punctuation, spelling, and noun-verb agreement. They also look at adverb usage, sentence complexity, and passive voice usage. Check out our proofreading tips article.

Decide on how to present the content

The next step should be to make a decision based on a unique idea with optimized keywords. Will the content be in the form of a written blog, an infographic, or a video? Going for video content can be invigorating, but it takes a lot more effort.

Aside from the visual aspect, video content requires scriptwriting to create an audio-visual experience that people will remember. Consider the best method of content delivery carefully. Some works are designed to be written. Others are best communicated through video.


Make sure your content creation process begins with uniqueness. Create new original content, something that has not been done before, or bring a new twist to existing content.

Brainstorm ideas and write them down. Find creative ways to solve problems, take a stand, or help someone. You are an expert in your niche. Share that expertise with others.

Identify who you are talking to and engage with your readers on a personal level. Let them know that you are approachable and that there is two-way communication.

Success will follow once you develop content and share it in the appropriate format (text, slides, videos, e-books, infographics, podcasts, white papers, apps, or flow charts). Try different content formats to find the one that resonates with your readers.


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